About Mount A: Dominant Natural Communities


Transitional Hardwood Forest Characteristic Species Include:

Eastern Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis)

Eastern White Pine (Pinus strobus)

Sweet Birch (Betula lenta)

Yellow Birch (Betula alleghaniensis)

Beech (Fagus grandifolia)

White Oak (Quercus alba)

Northern Red Oak (Quercus rubra)

Red Maple (Acer rubrum)

White Ash (Fraxinus americana)


Oak-Pine-Hickory Forest Characteristic Species Include:

Shagbark Hickory (Carya ovata)

Eastern White Pine (Pinus strobus)

Chestnut Oak (Quercus montana)

White Oak (Quercus alba)

Last modified: February 8, 2019

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Please exercise caution on all trails following the April 4th storm. Visitors can report blowdowns and other trail damage by calling the Conservation Office at (207) 361-1102 and leaving a voicemail OR by filling out our online contact form.Contact Us
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