2022 Program Update


A belated “Happy New Year” from all of us here at Mount Agamenticus! 2022 was not without its challenges, but thanks to our hard-working Conservation Stewards and dedicated volunteers, we had a productive and fulfilling season. We’re looking forward to 2023!

You can follow the links below to read our end of year program updates; PDF files will open in a new tab.

Stewardship Report

Dedicated volunteers and hardworking Conservation Stewards combined forces to make a productive Field Season. The Mount A Region has experienced unprecedented visitation since 2020, and much of this season’s work centered around sustainable management for increased use. Noteworthy accomplishments include a comprehensive trail assessment using GIS technology to collect data and quantify future projects, invasive plant removal, replacement of three boardwalks, summit barn exterior painting and repairs, shrubland habitat management, trail sign updates, closure of unsanctioned trails, and reconditioning of the Big A Trail.

Outreach and Education Report

Each year, the Mount Agamenticus Conservation Program expands efforts to engage seasonal visitors and local residents. The goal is to create an immersive experience, promote responsible use of the area, instill a greater appreciation, love, and respect for the environment and inspire future advocates for protecting our natural resources.


The Outreach Report highlights annual and ongoing public outreach and environmental education that is designed to help visitors understand the unique resources located here and the importance of responsible low-impact recreation as they set out to explore the area. There is a continued increase in visitation to the area and with it, increased visitor expectations. A wider range of outreach efforts and community collaboration is crucial to ensure successful communication of the Conservation Program’s mission.

Thank you to everyone who came to learn, work, and recreate with us here at Mount A this past year. Happy trails!

Last modified: April 10, 2023

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