Seeking Sweethearts SOLD OUT


Join us with the Center for Wildlife for a fun owl courtship and nesting program followed by a snowshoe (or hike) owl prowl! This is the perfect pre-Valentine’s Day event connecting friends and families with Mount A’s natural world while promoting outdoor physical activity and good health during a time of the year we may all need extra motivation coming out of our own winter hibernation.

Come meet Center for Wildlife’s non-releasable owl ambassador animals and then see if we can hear their calls while exploring the Mount Agamenticus summit! All ages. Moderate hike. Masks will be required for any indoor portion of this program.

Where: Mount Agamenticus summit [21 Mount Agamenticus Road, York ME] – meet at circle platform
When: Saturday, February 8th, 4:30-6:30pm
Fee: Your donation of $8/person makes this program possible.
Info/Registration: This program is currently at capacity. 2/9/2022

Last modified: February 16, 2022

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