FOMA Fundraising Effort: Big A Trail Upgrade and Improvements

From the Friends of Mount A:

Participants in the Annual Trail Challenge

One of the best and most visited Universal Access trails in southern Maine, the Big A Trail, has become an integral part of the community, accessible to people of all abilities and all ages. If the pandemic taught us anything, it is that Mount Agamenticus and its extensive trail system are crucial to the physical and emotional health of our communities. The Big A Trail is especially cherished by our seniors who need stable, solid footing, and by families with young children, runners and hikers alike.

The 1-mile loop trail is a challenge to maintain because of the natural wear from extensive use and its exposure at the summit where varying and often extreme weather conditions result in damage and erosion. This winter’s extreme storms have gouged gullies within and around the trails, as well as eroded surfaces that all compromise public safety.

Erosion along the Big A

The Friends of Mount Agamenticus – a 501(c)(3) all volunteer non-profit organization – is  gearing up to raise funds to address wash-out areas, harden and rebuild overlooks, add stone/boulder barriers, raise tread one to two inches, re-open all uphill ditching for drainage, re-deck bridges, re-work ADA connection to new parking lot, install steps, and much more.

Participants in the Annual Trail Challenge

We want to improve access for everyone of all abilities, provide nature-based connections and educational opportunities which have long-lasting beneficial impacts on community health and native habitat, while protecting the unique natural resources that exist at the mountain.

Program Staff Surveys a Dog Walker along the Big A

Approximately 50,000 visitors a year enjoy health-giving nature connection via the Big A Trail, as well as panoramic views, wildlife, native flora, celestial events, and resting places on the memorial benches along the way. It is the go-to trail for our Learning Lodge volunteers and outreach and educational programs.

You can help the Friends support this project by making a donation today!



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