Friends of Mount A: Spring 2024 Summit View


Enjoy the last few weeks of spring with a fresh copy of the Summit View from the Friends of Mount Agamenticus!

In this issue (PDF file opens in a new tab)…

  • April 8th’s solar eclipse!
  • Flying squirrels
  • Red maple & pollinators
  • and more!

Newsletter designed and content submitted by members of the Friends of Mount Agamenticus, partners, and other supporters. THANK YOU!

The Friends of Mount Agamenticus (FOMA) is a volunteer advocacy and stewardship group for the Mount Agamenticus Conservation Program. They assist Program staff in carrying out educational, interpretive, community outreach, and public use objectives without compromising the integrity of the region’s sensitive ecological habitat. FOMA is currently seeking member volunteers who can assist with any of the following tasks:

  • Orienting and coordinating with new volunteers
  • Researching fundraising opportunities
  • Writing grants and newsletter articles
  • Developing and managing website and social media

Please email if interested, or learn more here! We would love to have you!

Feature photo by D. Johnson.

Last modified: July 26, 2024

Comments are closed.

SATURDAY 9/21 SPECIAL EVENT : The summit access road and summit parking will be closed to oncoming traffic on Saturday morning during the Annual Trail Challenge. The road will re-open when participants have made it through the course. Base parking and trails will remain open. Please plan your visit accordingly.More Info