
What is the Adopt-a-Trail program? The Adopt-a-Trail program at Mount A is an all-volunteer effort that provides individuals an opportunity to help conserve and maintain our trails. By “adopting” a trail in the Mount A Conservation Region, volunteers take responsibility for helping with trail upkeep. Trail adopters become helpful assistants by monitoring their chosen trail and providing some basic maintenance throughout the year.

Who can adopt a trail? Any interested family, organization, individual or neighborhood group can care for a trail. The primary adopter must be at least 18 years old, however, involving youngsters is highly encouraged!

What are the duties of an Adopt-a-Trail volunteer? The expectation is for adopters to provide basic assistance to the Conservation Crew in maintaining their selected trail. Activities include keeping the trail surface and corridor clear, cleaning drainage ditches, and clearing debris from bridges, stairs, and viewing decks. Other responsibilities include litter clean-up, maintaining the trailhead area, and reporting trail hazards for safety issues.

Of major importance, adopters serve as an extra set of eyes for the Conservation Crew. A once-a-season visit (every three months, winter optional) to your trail provides vital assistance in keeping up with trail maintenance. Additional visits after storms or whenever convenient are certainly appreciated.

Training: Mount A staff will provide orientation and train volunteers in safe techniques for accomplishing Adopt-a-Trail duties, and work with groups to get them started. Staff will work with volunteers until both parties are comfortable, and will continue to coordinate activities after the adopters are working on their own.

Ready to adopt a trail? Go ahead and fill out our Volunteer Form, and be sure to check the “Adopt-a-Trail Program” box.

 Trail Adopter Report  This section is for active Trail Adopters and should be filled out after each visit to your adopted trail. The information collected in this section is used by Mount A staff for reporting and grant application, so please fill this out in a timely and accurate manner.

Use the Description or Comments for Trail Maintenance section to report tree blowdowns, vandalism, wildlife sightings or any other areas of concern. For downed trees blocking the trail;  please note diameter of tree and location (near trail junction or GPS). If you have photos, please contact us.

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