Join Us in Celebrating National Trails Day


Join us in celebrating National Trails Day on Saturday, June 6th by taking the American Hiking Society’s National Trails Day Pledge. We’ve temporarily experienced life with limited access to trails, facilities, and amenities and now more than ever, realize how much we need them. Even while social distancing, we can take action to celebrate and preserve trails and promote equitable access to quality green space. Join the nationwide movement by taking the #NationalTrailsDay Pledge here on the American Hiking Society website.

Even though we can’t come together for our scheduled Volunteer Community Work Day this Saturday, we’ll be honoring our volunteers and the amazing work they do over on our Facebook Page and here on our website. We’ll also be sharing some ways you can help out in the future through our Adopt-a-Trail and Adopt-a-Bed programs!

Trail Adopter photo by Emily Lord.

Last modified: July 3, 2020

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