Visitors are welcome to watch local fireworks from the summit of Mount Agamenticus on July 4th. Gate hours will be extended until 10:00 PM on Thursday night if weather allows. Regular gate hours are 6 AM –...
Update 7/12 3:00 PM: This Work Day has been cancelled due to the forecast. When: Saturday, July 13 2024 | 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM Where: 21 Mount Agamenticus Road, York The focus of this Volunteer Community Work Day is...
This program has been cancelled due to lack of sign-ups as of 6/28 4 PM When: Saturday, June 29 | 9 – 11:30 AM Where: Base Parking Area at Mount Agamenticus (Ring Trailhead) Registration: – Join us for a...
When: Thursday, June 27 | 5:30 – 7 PM Where: 21 Mount Agamenticus Road, York Registration: $12 ages 13+, $10 under 13 – purchase here (link opens in new tab) Join Center for Wildlife and Mt. A staff on...
Enjoy the last few weeks of spring with a fresh copy of the Summit View from the Friends of Mount Agamenticus! In this issue (PDF file opens in a new tab)… April 8th’s solar eclipse! Flying squirrels Red maple...
Welcome May with a reusable bag and support the Friends of Mount Agamenticus (FOMA) with the Hannaford Bag Program! For the entire month of May, when you purchase a $2.50 Hannaford Community Bag at the Hannaford located...
When: Saturday, June 1 2024 | 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM Where: 21 Mount Agamenticus Road, York Celebrate National Trails Day and kick off Love Maine Trails Month here at Mount A by helping to build a boardwalk while...
Join Mount A neighbor Frank Dehler on Wednesday mornings throughout the spring for guided birding walks, May 1 through June 5. Frank is a Maine Master Naturalist and longtime bird bander for Massachusetts Audubon....
The Mount Agamenticus Visitor Use survey is a tool that allows for the collection and analysis of data on who is visiting the mountain along with how the trails and surrounding lands are used. The survey also offers...
As you make plans for the 8th, check out these eclipse viewing tips from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, a few of which apply to Mount A! If you’re thinking of staying local for this one and...