February Hannaford Bag Program to Support Friends


Support the Friends of Mount Agamenticus (FOMA) with the Hannaford Bag Program! Starting today and for the entire month of February 2023, when you purchase a $2.50 Hannaford Community Bag at the Hannaford located at 5 Hannaford Drive in York, $1 is donated to the Friends!

FOMA is a volunteer advocacy and stewardship group for the Mount Agamenticus Conservation Program. They assist Program staff in carrying out educational, interpretive, community outreach, and public use objectives without compromising the integrity of the region’s sensitive ecological habitat.

FOMA is currently seeking member volunteers who can assist with any of the following tasks:

  • Orienting and coordinating with new volunteers
  • Researching fundraising opportunities
  • Writing grants and newsletter articles
  • Developing and managing website and social media

Please email friends@agamenticus.org if interested! We would love to have you!

Last modified: March 1, 2023

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