Upcoming Program: Youth Intro to Hiking and Leave no Trace


Program has been cancelled! We’ll see you next season!

This program is for beginner and first-time youth hikers (with their grown-ups). Through a variety of fun games and hands-on activities in our summit Learning Lodge and outside at the summit, participants will receive an overview of the 7 Principles of “Leave no Trace,” learning how to properly “Plan Ahead and Prepare” for a hike. Using what they’ve learned, youth participants will then work together with staff to plan our group’s hike. We’ll hit the First Hill trails, kids in the lead, taking plenty of time to stop along the way!

Date & Time: 9:00am-12:00pm

Grade K-3: Sat. May 21 | Sat. June 25 | Sat. August 27

Grade 4-6: Sun. May 22 | Sun. June 26 | Sun. August 28

Cost: $20 per adult/child pair + $8 for each additional participant

Registration: Registration is required. Visit the Town of York Parks & Rec website or call the office at (207) 363-1040 to register! Each session is limited to 12 people. Registration is for a single session. Youth must be accompanied by an adult.

If you are registering a family with two or more children who fall into both age categories and would like to attend a single program session as a family, please just choose whichever date works best for you.

Location: Mount Agamenticus summit, 21 Mount Agamenticus Road, York ME

Hike may range from moderate to difficult. Read the descriptions for the First Hill trails we may be hiking in advance.

Questions? E-mail our Outreach and Education Coordinator!

This program is not wheelchair accessible, however if you are interested in scheduling a guided program similar to this with modifications for accessibility, including use of the Big A Trail at the summit, please reach out via our Group Registration form. Our Outreach and Education Coordinator will be in touch!

Last modified: April 5, 2023

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