Milkweed Seed Drive


Part of the Town of York’s commitment to the Mayor’s Monarch Pledge this year is to facilitate or support a milkweed seed collection and propagation effort here in town. Starting on September 19 through October 23, we’ll be collecting milkweed seeds and pods to distribute in early November.

Seed Bomb Workshop and Distribution Dates:

  • Friday, November 3 @ 3:00-5:00pm
  • Saturday, November 4 @ 10:00am-12:00pm

Please be sure you have permission to collect milkweed on property that is not yours (including roadways). Exercise extreme caution when collecting along roadways!

Do not over-collect in one area. This ensures that you get a genetic diversity and leave seed for wildlife and self sowing. Pick no more than 33% of one plant and no more than 33% from each site.

Easy Collection Steps:

  • Collect clean, mature pods (as they begin to split) from native, wild plants only.
  • For each location and each species, make a new labeled bag. Paper bags work best.
  • Please dry the pods.

You do not need to remove the seeds from the pods; we’ll take care of that step here at Mount A!

Best practices for collection are available through Monarch Joint Venture.

Seed and pod drop-off will be at the Parks and Recreation office at the Grant House, 200 US Route 1 in York. Look for the collection bin starting on September 19th!

Labels are available here to download (PDF, opens in a new tab). Paper copies will be made available in the Mount Agamenticus Conservation Office, Learning Lodge, and at the Grant House during hours of operation.

Residents of neighboring towns are welcome to participate, but everyone should please carefully label their drop-offs. We’ll share a list of participating towns as we get closer to our distribution event dates, so residents of neighboring communities can come grab seeds specific to your area if they’re available!

If you have any questions, please reach out to

Post Updated 9/18/2023

Last modified: November 1, 2023

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