Plein Air Artwork on Display Through August


Completed artwork from the July 30th Friends of Mount Agamenticus Plein Air Paint Out is now on display at York Art Association.

Finished paintings will be on display and available to purchase at York Art Association through the month of August, and a 40% commission on work sold will support YAA and the Friends of Mount Agamenticus, both nonprofit 501(c)3 organizations.

YAA is located at 394 York Street, York Harbor and is open Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays from 11am-5pm.

The Friends of Mount A and the Mount Agamenticus Conservation Program are incredibly thankful for the generous community support for this event! A purchase prize was awarded to one painter, provided by Anchorage By the Sea – Ogunquit.

Last modified: August 30, 2022

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