Three Simple Tips for Mud Season


It’s the season to get your boots dirty! How can you recreate responsibly and help protect our trails during mud season?

 1. Wait until trail surface has firmed up. Do more by doing less! Activities like running, biking, and ATV use have a higher impact during mud season. Tires sink into the mud, leaving deep ruts and causing water to pool up. Running impacts the trail more than walking because of the force of your body’s weight coming down on the trail. When the ground is wet, go for lower impact activities.

2. Walk single file and in the middle of the trail. Bring footwear to match trail conditions. Stick to rocks whenever possible and go through, not around around, muddy sections to help preserve the natural environment of the trail. Going around muddy areas widens the trail, causes erosion, and negatively impacts roots and vegetation. So, have fun and get muddy!

3. Get involved! Become a Trail Adopter or attend a Community Work Day. The best and most needed time to get out and start caring for trails is in the spring. Clean up downed branches and trees and clear out drainages so that water moves more quickly and effectively off trail. Learn about volunteer opportunities at Mount A.

Our actions matter! Learn more about Leave no Trace (external link opens in a new tab). 

Last modified: May 15, 2022

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