Nature’s Nesters


Program Date and Time: Sunday, March 14th at 10:00am-12:00pm
Location: Mount Agamenticus Summit (We’ll meet behind the Lodge, next to the Big A Trail).

Different species find mates, build nests, lay eggs, and raise young in incredibly different ways. We’ll meet at the summit of Mount A to learn about our local nesters with live animal ambassadors from the Center for Wildlife and what you can do to help them. Then if you’d like, build your very own bird box to take home! Participants may also choose to take their unfinished kits home and build their boxes later. Instructions will be included. Open to all ages; parental guidance required for optional bird box building.

Tickets are $8 per person and bird house kits are $25. Space and kits are limited; pre-registration and masks required (not a drop-in program). Purchase your tickets today! External link will open in a new tab.


Last modified: March 16, 2021

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