Seeking Sweethearts Saturday, February 8th


See you next month for Nature’s Nesters!

Celebrate the Great Maine Outdoor Week a few days early with a fun owl courtship and nesting program followed by a snowshoe or hike owl prowl at the summit of Mount A! This is the perfect pre-Valentine’s Day event, connecting friends and families with the natural world of Mount Agamenticus while promoting outdoor physical activity and good health during a time of year when we may all need extra motivation coming out of our own hibernation! Come meet the Center for Wildlife’s live owl education ambassadors inside the Learning Lodge, and then see if we can hear their calls in the night. Open to all ages, moderate hike/snowshoe.

Where: Mount Agamenticus Learning Lodge

When: Saturday, February 8th, 4:30-6:30pm (Please note the earlier start time on evening programs in 2020!)

Fee: Your donation of $8/person makes this program possible.

Info/Registration: Reservations required. To register, email Kristen at

Last modified: February 10, 2020

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