Thanksgiving Leftovers


Thanks to the families who joined us for this program! We’ll see you in 2021!

Reserve your your spot for “Thanksgiving Leftovers – a Scavenger Program” with the Center for Wildlife at Mount Agamenticus on Saturday, November 14th from 11am – 12 pm.

It’s time to give thanks for our scavengers! Join Center for Wildlife’s educators and non-releasable animal ambassadors at the summit of Mount A to celebrate all of the essential ways that our native scavengers keep our ecosystems clean and healthy. Often seen as gross and mean, our scavengers play an incredibly important role in the breakdown of dead plants and animals, and leave their habitat more beautiful than they found it.

Tickets are $8 per person and can be purchased online, here! Pre-registration and masks required.

Last modified: November 17, 2020

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