CANCELLED: Ring Trail Hike and Nature Journal


This program has been cancelled due to lack of sign-ups as of 6/28 4 PM
When: Saturday, June 29 | 9 – 11:30 AM
Where: Base Parking Area at Mount Agamenticus (Ring Trailhead)
Registration: –

Join us for a hike from the Base to the Summit along the Ring Trail. Once at the summit, we’ll take some time to reflect in our nature journals. Program does not include a guided walk back down to the Base; participants will be responsible for making their way back down via the trails or access road.

Bring your own journal, or learn how to make a mini journal from a single sheet of paper!

Park in BASE PARKING AREA* along Mountain Road. Parking passes will be issued upon arrival. We will meet at the Ring Trailhead.

Register online. Your $5 donation directly supports the work of the Mount Agamenticus Conservation Program. Additional donations gratefully accepted! Limited to 15 participants.

*Please note the address in the registration link is for the SUMMIT.

Last modified: June 29, 2024

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