Upcoming Volunteer Community Work Day: Saturday, April 4th – CANCELLED


This event has been CANCELLED. All Town of York Parks and Recreation programs and events are postponed indefinitely. Please visit yorkparksandrec.org for up-to-date info. 

Join us on Saturday, April 6th from 9:00am to 12:30pm for spring trails maintenance at Goodrich Park in preparation for Springtime Surprises the following weekend.

Meeting Location:  OFF-SITE at the Grant House at Goodrich Park, 200 US-1, York, ME 03909
Work Includes: cutting vegetation, blazing trails, cutting and moving down trees and branches, trash cleanup
What to Bring: Sturdy shoes or boots, water, work gloves (we have spares if you don’t have any)

Ages 16+. Youth volunteers are welcome to attend but parent/guardian must accompany for the duration.

Time frame for the day is 9:00am-12:30pm with light refreshments after.

Please reserve your spot by emailing our Trails Supervisor, Darin.

Last modified: April 3, 2020

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