Visiting During the Solar Eclipse


As you make plans for the 8th, check out these eclipse viewing tips from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, a few of which apply to Mount A! If you’re thinking of staying local for this one and venturing up to the summit, here’s what you should know:

  • The summit access road will be open from 6:00 AM – sunset.
  • This time of year, public amenities are limited. Bring your own water, chairs and anything else you’d like for the day. We are a carry in/carry out park. A portable toilet will be available.
  • We are expecting it to be busy, especially at the summit. Parking is limited and not guaranteed. Visitors must park in marked spaces only. DO NOT park along the side of the road, off the pavement, on the grass, or in a way that blocks roadways, emergency access, or other vehicles.
  • Due to the above, we are discouraging large groups from visiting on the 8th. Reminder: ALL organized groups and parties of 10+ people must register with us in advance using our online Group Registration form. Groups are expected to pay an appropriate Group Use fee, based on group size and intended use. Commercial use is prohibited.

Additional Information for Planning Your Visit:

Spring is a sensitive time for trails and surrounding habitats. Please help care for these special plant and animal communities by limiting your impact when the ground is still wet!

Last modified: April 18, 2024

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