CANCELLED November Nature Journal Club – Hike & Haiku


This session of our Nature Journal Club has been CANCELLED due to low sign-up numbers. 

Program Date and Time: Thursday, November 18 | 4-6pm
Location: Mount Agamenticus Summit (21 Mount Agamenticus Road, York ME 03909 – Driving Directions), Learning Lodge

Nature journaling is a creative process for all ages that integrates art, science, and nature exploration. November’s meeting will be our last of the 2021 season! We will start with a walk around the Big A, then move inside for our journaling session. We’ll learn the basics of haiku poetry, read some examples, and try to write our own while we work in our journals as the sun goes down. Be sure to bundle up, as the interior of the Lodge is chilly this time of year. This program will be cancelled in the event of harsher weather or low sign-ups.

At this time, we are limited to 15 people for each session. Registration is required (outside link will open in a new tab). Please, no drop-ins.

A suggested donation of $5/person can be made on site. Please plan to bring your own journal or sketchbook and your favorite journaling supplies; we will have some art supplies available for use. Donations of supplies are always welcome!

Masks will be required during the indoor portion of the program for all participants.

Last modified: November 23, 2021

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