Early Parking and Restroom Project Planning

There is no doubt that Mount Agamenticus has been discovered! Over an estimated 50,000 people visit the area each year to enjoy its natural beauty, scenic vistas, and unique network of over 40 miles of trail.

It has become apparent through visitor feedback, direct observation and vehicle traffic studies that use continues to increase and the area needs attention to address this growth. The most urgent needs include expanded and safe off-street parking and upgraded restroom facilities.

Parking is well over capacity during periods of high use throughout the year and has become a public safety concern.  Visitors are often forced to walk in the road, school buses have no designated drop off or parking area and congestion at the summit can cause long delays. Click photos below to enlarge.

The current portable restroom facilities are costly, have reached their capacity and visitors repeatedly express how inadequate and unpleasant they are.  School children and other event participants face long lines for the single portable toilet at the base and for only two at the summit.

Upgrades are long overdue.

Group Visiting Summit

Two capital improvement projects have been proposed to alleviate these concerns and meet current and expected demand.

First – the Mt. Agamenticus Parking Expansion and Improvement Project: This includes the construction and expansion of both the summit and base parking lots located at Mount Agamenticus. This project will greatly improve public safety, congestion and the flow of traffic.

Second – the Mt. Agamenticus Public Restroom Upgrades: This includes the construction of public restroom facilities located at both the summit and base. These will replace the costly and inadequate portable facilities that currently exist and are a top priority. This project involves the installation of composting toilets due to the limited water supply and flow impacting water capacity for a flush system at the summit, and comes with added environmental benefits.

The total amount of the capital request for both of these projects is $1.2 million and will go before the voters in the next referendum (previously scheduled for May 2020).

We hope YOU will join us in supporting these important projects to protect the unique natural resources found at Mount Agamenticus and to improve safety and visitor experiences for the betterment of all.

More information about this project, planning documents, maps and more can viewed below. All files linked will open in a new browser tab. Files sized over 1MB are noted.

Section last updated April 18, 2020.

Slide Presentation to Board of Selectmen 10/21/2019

Time Lapse of Busy Day at Summit (video opens in Facebook)

Parking Conceptual Designs & Project Board:

Site Layout (3MB)

Grading & Drainage (2MB)

Project Board (10MB)

Supplemental Information for Project Board

Section last updated November 15, 2021.

Clivus Restrooms:

Sample Layout
Waterless Toilet Specification Sheet
Composter Specification Sheet
Maintenance for Composters with Foam Flush Fixtures
Exhaust Fan Specification Sheet

Additional documents regarding Clivus composting toilets are available. Contact the Conservation Office FMI.

Lease Agreements: between the Town of York and the YWD

Most Current Draft 02/13/2020

Figure A-1 Lease Areas
Figure A-2 Overview
Figure B-1 Lower Lot
Figure B-2 Ring Trail Lot
Figure B-3 Upper Lot
Figure C Trails

Copy of Original Deed & Lease Agreement May 1980

Maine Public Utilities Commission Order 02/05/2020

Section last updated February 20, 2020.

Sub-Committee Meeting Notes:


Section last updated February 19, 2020.

Additional Planning Documents:

FY21 Capital Items Request – Mt. A Parking

          FY21 Capital Items Request – Mt. A Public Restrooms

York BOS and YWD Workshop Notes 02/12/2018 9MB

Parking and Traffic Flow Needs Study 2016

Site Maps, Pros/Cons 10MB

Chronology of History, Planning, and Conservation

Wetlands Surveys:

Assessment Report
Area Maps
Maine Vernal Pool Assessment Forms – VP-A | SVP-1 | SVP-2

Summit Test Pit

Test Pits:

Test Pit Results 07/25/2018
Test Pit Locations Base
Test Pit Locations Summit

Comments are closed.

Seasonal Admission Fee begins April 15th. Season Passes are available for purchase!ADMISSION FEE INFORMATION